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Chilean author Isabel Allende joins Barbie doll collection

Chilean author Isabel Allende joins Barbie doll collection By Lucila Sigal BUENOS AIRES, Sept 13 (Reuters) - Chilean author Isabel Allende, one of the world's most widely read Spanish-language writers, will be immortalized in recycled plastic with her own Barbie doll, alongside her dog Perla and a miniature replica of her first novel. U.S. toymaker Mattel Inc MAT.O is releasing the doll, clothed in a red dress with large earrings, as part of its " Inspiring Women " series, which has already feat

Fisher-Price Recalls About 366,200 Dumbbell Toy

BRIEF-Fisher-Price Recalls About 366,200 Dumbbell Toy Aug 29 (Reuters) - Mattel Inc MAT.O : U.S. CPSC: FISHER-PRICE RECALLS ABOUT 366,200 DUMBBELL TOY IN BABY BICEPS GIFT SETS DUE TO CHOKING HAZARD Source text for Eikon: [ID:] Further company coverage: MAT.O

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT–Schedule of Reuters features from this week

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT–Schedule of Reuters features from this week Aug 29 - Every week, Reuters journalists produce scores of multimedia features and human-interest stories from around the world. Below are some stories from this week selected by our editors, as well as explanatory context and background to help you understand world headlines. For a full schedule of news and events, please go to our editorial calendar on Reuters Connect .

Lego to replace oil in its bricks with pricier renewable plastic

Lego to replace oil in its bricks with pricier renewable plastic By Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen COPENHAGEN, August 28 (Reuters) - Toymaker Lego said on Wednesday it was on track to replace the fossil fuels used in making its signature bricks with more expensive renewable and recycled plastic by 2032 after signing deals with producers to secure long-term supply.

Lego outperforms toy market with robust sales in Europe and North America

Lego outperforms toy market with robust sales in Europe and North America Lego sales rose 13% in first half of 2024 The company grabbed market share in a flat toy market CEO expects double-digit full-year sales growth Lego holds back on store openings in China By Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen COPENHAGEN, Aug 28 (Reuters) - Lego's sales of its colorful plastic bricks outpaced the overall toy market in the first half of the year, driven by strong demand in Europe and North America, the Denmark-based toy


인기 자산

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