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Canadian firefighter dies battling blaze in Alberta

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Adds prime minister's comment in paragraph 5

TORONTO, Aug 4 (Reuters) -A 24-year-old firefighter was killed by a falling tree while battling a forest blaze northeast of Jasperin the Western Canadian province of Alberta on Saturday, the police said in a statement.

The deceased was a resident of Calgary and based out of the Rocky Mountain House Fire Base, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police said.

The RCMP said it was notified of a serious injury sustained on Saturday byan Alberta Wildland fire employee who was extracted from the scene.

Nearly a third of Jasper's structures were destroyed when a massive wildfire, with flames burning 330 feet(100 meters)high, hit the popular Alberta tourist town in late July. There are currently 120 active wildfires in the province.

"Heartbroken by the news that a firefighter has lost his life while battling the wildfires in Jasper," Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a social media post on X, adding "his loss is deeply felt."

Alberta's Minister of Forestry and Parks Todd Loewen also expressed his condolences.

Reporting by Nivedita Balu in Toronto; Editing by Elaine Hardcastle and Paul Simao


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