Financial Times - Sept 9
Sept 9 (Reuters) -The following are the top stories in the Financial Times. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy.
- Small businesses dodge 4.4 billion pounds of UK tax each year
- Bank of London's heavyweight board caught unawares by unpaid tax bill
- Keir Starmer says his government must be "prepared to be unpopular"
- OCI hits $11.6 billion in sale proceeds with disposal of methanol unit
- Britain's small businesses are responsible for the vast majority of tax evasion in the country but HM Revenue & Customs does not have a strategy to combat the problem, according to the parliamentary spending watchdog.
- The Bank of London's board of directors and new management team were unaware of its unpaid debts to UK tax authorities until HM Revenue & Customs filed a petition to wind up its holding company on Thursday.
- British Prime Minister Keir Starmer has said his government is "going to have to be unpopular" as he defended his decision to scrap winter fuel payments for 10 million pensioners, ahead of a vote on the issue on Tuesday.
- OCI Global OCI.AS has agreed to a fourth major disposal, bringing the gross proceeds from its sale of assets to $11.6 billion in the course of an ambitious break-up plan.
(Compiled by Bengaluru newsroom)
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