Suspect charged in burglary at Trump campaign office in Virginia
By Kanishka Singh
WASHINGTON, Aug 14 (Reuters) -An arrest warrant has been issued for the suspect in a burglary at an office of the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Virginia on Wednesday, but the suspect has not been caught, law enforcement said.
The suspect, identified as Toby Shane Kessler, 39, has been charged with burglary, the Loudoun County sheriff's office said in a statement.
Law enforcement said Kessler had no fixed address and said he has a history of criminal behavior.
The burglary was reported on Sunday about 30 miles (48 km) from downtown Washington.
"Kessler forced entry into a back door of the location and spent a brief period of time inside before leaving. He appears to have left nothing behind, and it is still unclear what, if anything, he took with him," the sheriff's office said, adding that a probe was ongoing.
Kessler had a California driver's license, but appeared to have been in the Washington metropolitan area at least since 2018, according to the sheriff's office.
Reporting by Kanishka Singh in Washington;
Editing by Mary Milliken and Leslie Adler
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