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Fast fashion retailer Shein hikes prices ahead of IPO

UPDATE 1-Fast fashion retailer Shein hikes prices ahead of IPO Average price of a dress on Shein jumps by 28% in U.S. Price hikes aimed at boosting revenue and profit Higher prices also driven by external brands like Skechers Adds embedded graphics within text By Helen Reid LONDON, June 13 (Reuters) - Fast fashion retailer Shein, known for its China-made $5 tops and $10 dresses, has hiked prices by over a third on some core products, in a move likely to boost revenues ahead of its planned IPO, a

Spanish stocks - Factors to watch on June 13

Spanish stocks - Factors to watch on June 13 June 13 (Reuters) - The following Spanish stocks may be affected by newspaper reports and other factors on Thursday. Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy: INDITEX ITX.MC Around 1,800 workers at one of Zara owner Inditex's main logistics centres in Spain will get a direct pay increase totalling 12% over the next three years plus additional compensation under a preliminary deal unions said they had reached

Fast fashion retailer Shein hikes prices ahead of IPO

Fast fashion retailer Shein hikes prices ahead of IPO Average price of a dress on Shein jumps by 28% in U.S. Price hikes aimed at boosting revenue and profit Higher prices also driven by external brands like Skechers By Helen Reid LONDON, June 13 (Reuters) - Fast fashion retailer Shein, known for its China-made $5 tops and $10 dresses, has hiked prices by over a third on some core products, in a move likely to boost revenues ahead of its planned IPO, according to an analysis of its pricing strat

Workers at Inditex's Zaragoza logistics hub to get 12% pay rise

Workers at Inditex's Zaragoza logistics hub to get 12% pay rise MADRID, June 12 (Reuters) - Around 1,800 workers at one of Zara owner Inditex's main logistics centres in Spain will get a direct pay increase totalling 12% over the next three years plus additional compensation under a preliminary deal unions said they had reached with the company. Inditex declined to comment on the preliminary deal reached on Wednesday.

Shein's pre-IPO charm offensive hits roadblocks in Europe

RPT-Shein's pre-IPO charm offensive hits roadblocks in Europe Repeats June 7 story, text unchanged By Helen Reid and James Davey LONDON, June 7 (Reuters) - As online fast-fashion retailer Shein ramps up its pre-IPO charm offensive in Britain, pushback is growing too from Europe's retail industry and lawmakers. As citizens of 27 countries vote in European Union elections, European manufacturers of fabric, clothes, leather goods and shoes this week called on future EU policymakers to protect the 1


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면책조항: XM Group 회사는 체결 전용 서비스와 온라인 거래 플랫폼에 대한 접근을 제공하여, 개인이 웹사이트에서 또는 웹사이트를 통해 이용 가능한 콘텐츠를 보거나 사용할 수 있도록 허용합니다. 이에 대해 변경하거나 확장할 의도는 없습니다. 이러한 접근 및 사용에는 다음 사항이 항상 적용됩니다: (i) 이용 약관, (ii) 위험 경고, (iii) 완전 면책조항. 따라서, 이러한 콘텐츠는 일반적인 정보에 불과합니다. 특히, 온라인 거래 플랫폼의 콘텐츠는 금융 시장에서의 거래에 대한 권유나 제안이 아닙니다. 금융 시장에서의 거래는 자본에 상당한 위험을 수반합니다.

온라인 거래 플랫폼에 공개된 모든 자료는 교육/정보 목적으로만 제공되며, 금융, 투자세 또는 거래 조언 및 권고, 거래 가격 기록, 금융 상품 또는 원치 않는 금융 프로모션의 거래 제안 또는 권유를 포함하지 않으며, 포함해서도 안됩니다.

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리스크 경고: 고객님의 자본이 위험에 노출 될 수 있습니다. 레버리지 상품은 모든 분들에게 적합하지 않을수 있습니다. 당사의 리스크 공시를 참고하시기 바랍니다.