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Technische analyse



Novartis Novartis Kisqali® Shows Deepening Benefit In New Analysis, Reducing Risk Of Recurrence By 28.5% In A Broad Population Of Patients With Early Breast Cancer

BRIEF-Novartis Novartis Kisqali® Shows Deepening Benefit In New Analysis, Reducing Risk Of Recurrence By 28.5% In A Broad Population Of Patients With Early Breast Cancer Novartis AG NOVN.S : : NOVARTIS KISQALI® SHOWS DEEPENING BENEFIT IN NEW ANALYSIS, REDUCING RISK OF RECURRENCE BY 28.5% IN A BROAD POPULATION OF PATIENTS WITH EARLY BREAST CANCER

US FDA approves injectable version of Roche's multiple sclerosis therapy

UPDATE 1-US FDA approves injectable version of Roche's multiple sclerosis therapy Adds price and availability in paragraph 4 Sept 13 (Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved Roche's ROG.S under-the-skin injection to treat patients with multiple sclerosis. The subcutaneous or under-the-skin therapy called Ocrevus Zunovo has the potential to expand treatment options to centers unable to administer the IV version.

US FDA approves injectable version of Roche's multiple sclerosis therapy

US FDA approves injectable version of Roche's multiple sclerosis therapy Sept 13 (Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Friday approved Roche's ROG.S under-the-skin injection to treat patients with multiple sclerosis. The subcutaneous or under-the-skin therapy called Ocrevus Zunovo has the potential to expand treatment options to centers unable to administer the IV version.

US FDA approves injectable version of Roche's multiple sclerosis therapy

UPDATE 1-US FDA approves injectable version of Roche's multiple sclerosis therapy Adds background throughout Sept 12 (Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved Roche's ROG.S under-the-skin injection to treat patients with multiple sclerosis. The therapy is already approved as an infusion or IV therapy for multiple sclerosis, which is given twice a year, under the brand name Ocrevus.

US FDA approves injectable version of Roche's multiple sclerosis therapy

UPDATE 1-US FDA approves injectable version of Roche's multiple sclerosis therapy Adds background throughout Sept 12 (Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Thursday approved Roche's ROG.S under-the-skin injection to treat patients with multiple sclerosis. The therapy is already approved as an infusion or IV therapy for multiple sclerosis, which is given twice a year, under the brand name Ocrevus.


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