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Shein committed to engage on sustainability, labour when joined UK retail group, BRC CEO says

Shein committed to engage on sustainability, labour when joined UK retail group, BRC CEO says By James Davey LONDON, June 13 (Reuters) - Fast-fashion group Shein committed to engage on issues including sustainability and ethical labour policies when it was allowed to join the British Retail Consortium (BRC), the head of the industry body told Reuters.

UK's Asda says TDR Capital to become majority owner

UPDATE 2-UK's Asda says TDR Capital to become majority owner TDR to buy Zuber Issa's 22.5% stake, giving it 67.5% Mohsin Issa retains 22.5, Walmart 10% Zuber Issa to buy EG's remaining UK forecourt business Zuber Issa to step down as EG Group co-CEO Adds TDR quote in paragraph 7, detail in paragraphs 8 to 12 By James Davey LONDON, June 7 (Reuters) - Britain's Asda said on Friday that private equity firm TDR Capital will gain majority ownership of the supermarket group by acquiring Zuber Issa's s

British Business - June 5

PRESS DIGEST-British Business - June 5 June 5 (Reuters) - The following are the top stories on the business pages of British newspapers. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not vouch for their accuracy. The Times - Roman Silha, who heads mergers and acquisitions for Kretinsky's investment vehicle EP Group, has met union bosses in an attempt to convince them of the merits of 3.6 billion pounds ($4.60 billion) takeover of Royal Mail's parent company.

Tesco lasering avocados with product information in test to ditch stickers

Tesco lasering avocados with product information in test to ditch stickers LONDON, May 31 (Reuters) - Tesco TSCO.L , Britain's biggest supermarket group, is using lasers to etch product information on some of its avocados to avoid using barcoded stickers, in a trial it says will reduce plastic waste. The high-powered lasers remove a minute section of the top layer of avocado skin, leaving a tattoo that shows information for customers and cashiers, such as the size or variety of the fruit.

UK supermarket sales set for Euro 2024 fillip, says NIQ

UK supermarket sales set for Euro 2024 fillip, says NIQ UK supermarket sales up 3.3% in 4 weeks to May 18 -NIQ Ocado, Lidl and M&S are UK's fastest growing grocers Nearly half of UK households interested in Euro 2024 LONDON, May 31 (Reuters) - The return of some warm weather in May helped drive sales growth at British supermarkets and they are set for a boost from the upcoming Euro 2024 soccer championship, according to industry data published on Friday.


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