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Italy's Poste sees profit drop after bond-driven gains

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Adds size of government bond portfolio in paragraph 6

MILAN, May 15 (Reuters) -Operating profit at PosteItaliane PST.MI fell 8% in thefirst quarter despite slightly higher revenues, due to the sharp gains the postal service pocketed a year ago when it sold some of its Italian government bonds.

Poste has diversified away from its core mail and parcel business over time and its insurance division is its biggest profit contributor. It also provides wealth management and payments services, as well as mobile and energy services.

Earnings before interest and tax came in at 706 million euros ($764 million) in the three months to the end of March, down from 767 million euros a year earlier but above a 692 million euro forecast in an analyst consensus compiled by the company.

Shares in the state-owned group, which Italy plans to privatise further, fell 0.9% by 1411GMT at 12.44 euros, having hit a fresh record high at 12.765 euros earlier in the session.

Poste, which manages 313 billion euros in postal savings, is a major investor in the country's government bonds which account for the bulk of some 100 billion euros in state bonds held by the group - two thirds of its investment portfolio.

Stripping out the impact of its governmentbond trading activities, Poste reported a 14% rise in its operating profit, and said it was on track to meet financial targets set in March under a multi-year plan.

"It's been a strong start to the year," Chief Executive Matteo Dal Fante said.

Revenues rose by 0.7% to 3.05 billion euros in the period, broadly in line with analysts' forecasts.

Italy has plansto sell all or part of its 29.3% direct stake in Poste, while retaining control through another 35% held by state bank Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP).

The sale is part of Rome's efforts to raise about 20 billion euros from asset sales between 2024 and 2026 to curb one of the world's highest public debts in relation to domestic output.

Reporting by Elvira Pollina; Editing by Keith Weir, Valentina Za and Toby Chopra


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