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Norsk Hydro ASA (NHY.OL) Trading with XM

At XM we offer Norsk Hydro ASA (NHY.OL) stocks as cash CFDs. Our cash CFDs stocks are undated transactions that aim to replicate the cash price of the underlying stock, and so they are adjusted for any relevant corporate actions.

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Risk warning: FX and CFD trading involves a high risk of loss.

Trading Conditions

Min Margin Percentage 20%
Spread as low as (quote currency) 0.680
Symbols NorskHydro
Description Norsk Hydro ASA
Min. Price Fluctuation 0.00100
Value of Minimum Price Fluctuation 0.01 NOK
Value of 1 lot 10 Shares
Min/Max Trade Size 1.2/764
Swap Value in Margin Currency Long -9.5%
Swap Value in Margin Currency Short -0.5%
Limit and Stop Levels** 0
Total Volume Limit (per client)*** 7638
Weekday 10:10 - 17:10 (GMT +3)
** Min. level for placing pending orders at a current market price.

*** Note that the maximum trading volume for NorskHydro per client is 7638 lots. This limit will be reviewed on a daily basis and updated according to the value of the instrument.

How to Start Trading Norsk Hydro ASA (NHY.OL)?

Step 1

Open an XM Real Account

Step 2

Download and login to the MT5 platform

Step 3

Double-click on Norsk Hydro ASA (NHY.OL) from the “Market Watch” to open an order for this instrument.

Risk Warning: Your capital is at risk. Leveraged products may not be suitable for everyone. Please consider our Risk Disclosure.