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Latest cheap UK target can flip refusenik script

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The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are her own. Refiles to fix typos in paragraphs one and two.

By Aimee Donnellan

LONDON, May 23 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Hargreaves Lansdown HRGV.L ought to be more open to a takeover than it currently seems. The UK financial advisory firm said on Wednesday it rejected a 4.7 billion pound approach from a consortium including CVC Advisers. Like recent tilts for energy services firm Wood Group WG.L and Currys CURY.L the bid looks to be taking advantage of British stocks’ underperformance relative to international peers. But Hargreaves’ stunted growth and need to grab market share offers an incentive to eventually say yes.

Last week, Wood Group spurned a 1.5 billion pound bid from Dubai-based rival Sidara, after fending off multiple approaches from Apollo Global Management APO.N the year before. In February Currys rejected a takeover approach from Elliott Investment Management. Both offers were well below where the shares had traded over the previous five years, and Hargreaves is the same. The 9.9 pound a share offer is less than half the target’s 2019 peak.

Still, Hargreaves boss Dan Olley has good reason to consider a sale. The financial advisor’s battered share price reflects existential issues. It charges clients top fees which are a key driver of its 54% EBITDA margin. But they sit uncomfortably against the backdrop of rising rates that make it easier for clients to generate acceptable returns elsewhere, and the focus on the bottom line is stifling growth. Hargreaves is expected to only grow revenue by an average of less than 3% annually over the next four years, according to LSEG estimates. Meanwhile, rival AJ Bell AJBA.L, which operates with a 42% margin, is expected to deliver over 10% sales growth in the same period.

To fix Hargreaves’ business model, Olley will have to rejig the fees. But that will lead to a temporary dent in earnings as he tries to grab more market share. With the company’s shares already depressed, any further lurches would rile long-suffering shareholders. For now, investors are preparing for a spruced-up offer: Hargreaves’ shares were on Thursday trading at 10.69 pounds, 9% above the rejected bid.

CVC and its partners don’t have limitless scope to be generous. If they lobbed in a new offer at 10.69 pounds a share, they might only get a 17% internal rate of return. That’s based on Breakingviews calculations that assume Hargreaves' margin dips to 50% by 2028, revenue grows at a 10% annual clip, and the buyers sell in five years at the same 11 times multiple of EBITDA they buy in at, after funding a quarter of the purchase with debt. But if they’re okay doing that, Olley has a strategic reason to play ball.

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Hargreaves Lansdown on May 22 rejected a 4.67 billion pound takeover proposal from a consortium led by CVC Advisers and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, after the board of the investment platform said it “substantially” undervalued its prospects.

In a statement, Hargreaves Lansdown said its board had unanimously rejected the offer, the latest in a series of approaches – the most recent of which reflected a price of 985 pence a share, the company said.

The consortium has until June 19 to announce a firm intention to make an offer or walk away.

Shares in Hargreaves Lansdown were trading at 1,058 pence by 0831 GMT on May 23.

Editing by George Hay, Oliver Taslic and Streisand Neto


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