Az XM nem nyújt szolgáltatásokat az Amerikai Egyesült Államok lakosai számára.



Taiwan shares plunge to six-week low, other Asian stocks steady

EMERGING MARKETS-Taiwan shares plunge to six-week low, other Asian stocks steady Updates at 0637 GMT TMSC down 6.5%, drag Taiwan shares lower Most regional equities set for weekly loss Rupiah at two-week low; cenbank intervenes U.S. PCE data in focus By Shivangi Lahiri July 26 (Reuters) - Taiwan stocks languished near a six-week low on Friday as investors there joined the global tech rout on worries of stretched valuations , while other regional equities t rended higher recovering from the previ

Taiwan shares plunge to six-week low, other Asian stocks steady

EMERGING MARKETS-Taiwan shares plunge to six-week low, other Asian stocks steady TMSC down 6.5%, drag Taiwan shares lower Most regional equities set for weekly loss Rupiah at two-week low; cenbank intervenes U.S. PCE data in focus Updates at 0637 GMT By Shivangi Lahiri July 26 (Reuters) - Taiwan stocks languished near a six-week low on Friday as investors there joined the global tech rout on worries of stretched valuations , while other regional equities t rended higher recovering from the previ

Taiwan shares plunge as trading resumes; tech rout continues

EMERGING MARKETS-Taiwan shares plunge as trading resumes; tech rout continues Taiwan shares fall over 4%; TMSC down 6.5% Singapore's monetary policy settings unchanged Most regional equities set for weekly loss S. Korean and Indonesian inflation data awaited By Shivangi Lahiri July 26 (Reuters) - Taiwan stocks fell more than 4% on Friday as investors there joined a global tech rout after a typhoon shut markets for two days, while other regional equities stabilised as a rough week winds down.

Taiwan shares plunge as trading resumes; tech rout continues

EMERGING MARKETS-Taiwan shares plunge as trading resumes; tech rout continues Taiwan shares fall over 4%; TMSC down 6.5% Singapore's monetary policy settings unchanged Most regional equities set for weekly loss S. Korean and Indonesian inflation data awaited By Shivangi Lahiri July 26 (Reuters) - Taiwan stocks fell more than 4% on Friday as investors there joined a global tech rout after a typhoon shut markets for two days, while other regional equities stabilised as a rough week winds down.

Philippine peso and Taiwan dollar inch higher; rupiah slips

EMERGING MARKETS-Philippine peso and Taiwan dollar inch higher; rupiah slips July 26 (Reuters) - The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0202 GMT. CURRENCIES VS U.S. DOLLAR Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move Japan yen 153.600 153.93 +0.21 Sing dlr 1.342 1.3433 +0.07 Taiwan dlr 32.775 32.838 +0.19 Korean won

South Korea leads equities sell-off as tech rout worsens

EMERGING MARKETS-South Korea leads equities sell-off as tech rout worsens Updates as at 0630 GMT S.Korean shares at lowest since mid-June Shares decline in India, Indonesia and Malaysia Rupiah at two-week low; baht down 0.4% Markets in Taiwan, Philippines closed due to bad weather By Sameer Manekar July 25 (Reuters) - South Korean shares fell to their lowest in six weeks on Thursday, leading declines among broader equities in emerging Asia, after lacklustre earnings from U.S.

South Korea leads equities sell-off as tech rout worsens

EMERGING MARKETS-South Korea leads equities sell-off as tech rout worsens S.Korean shares at lowest since mid-June Shares decline in India, Indonesia and Malaysia Rupiah at two-week low; baht down 0.4% Markets in Taiwan, Philippines closed due to bad weather Updates as at 0630 GMT By Sameer Manekar July 25 (Reuters) - South Korean shares fell to their lowest in six weeks on Thursday, leading declines among broader equities in emerging Asia, after lacklustre earnings from U.S.

South Korea leads equities sell-off as tech rout worsens

EMERGING MARKETS-South Korea leads equities sell-off as tech rout worsens . S.Korean shares fall as much as 2% Shares decline in India, Indonesia and Malaysia Indonesia's rupiah falls to two-week low Singapore MAS meeting in focus By Sameer Manekar July 25 (Reuters) - Equities in Asian emerging markets were under pressure on Thursday after lacklustre earnings from U.S.

South Korea leads equities sell-off as tech rout worsens

EMERGING MARKETS-South Korea leads equities sell-off as tech rout worsens S.Korean shares fall as much as 2% Shares decline in India, Indonesia and Malaysia Indonesia's rupiah falls to two-week low Singapore MAS meeting in focus By Sameer Manekar July 25 (Reuters) - Equities in Asian emerging markets were under pressure on Thursday after lacklustre earnings from U.S.

S.Korean won, Thai baht slip; other Asian currencies lukewarm

EMERGING MARKETS-S.Korean won, Thai baht slip; other Asian currencies lukewarm July 25 (Reuters) - The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0201 GMT. CURRENCIES VS U.S. DOLLAR Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move Japan yen 152.830 153.87 +0.68 Sing dlr 1.344 1.3434 -0.04 Taiwan dlr 32.838 32.838 - Korean won 1

Currencies rangebound, stocks slip ahead of US PCE, growth data

CORRECTED-EMERGING MARKETS-Currencies rangebound, stocks slip ahead of US PCE, growth data Corrects Nikkei's daily move in table to -1.11% from 1.11% China's yuan, stocks pare early losses Thai baht edges higher; rupiah, ringgit slip Markets in Taiwan closed due to typhoon U.S. PCE, GDP data awaited By Sameer Manekar July 24 (Reuters) - Most currencies in Asian emerging markets drifted within tight ranges on Wednesday as traders awaited U.S.

Currencies rangebound, stocks slip ahead of US PCE, growth data

CORRECTED-EMERGING MARKETS-Currencies rangebound, stocks slip ahead of US PCE, growth data Corrects Nikkei's daily move in table to -1.11% from 1.11% China's yuan, stocks pare early losses Thai baht edges higher; rupiah, ringgit slip Markets in Taiwan closed due to typhoon U.S. PCE, GDP data awaited By Sameer Manekar July 24 (Reuters) - Most currencies in Asian emerging markets drifted within tight ranges on Wednesday as traders awaited U.S.

Currencies linger, stocks drift lower ahead of US PCE data

EMERGING MARKETS-Currencies linger, stocks drift lower ahead of US PCE data . U.S. PCE, GDP data awaited China's yuan, stocks pare early losses Thai baht edges higher; rupiah, ringgit slip Markets in Taiwan closed due to typhoon By Sameer Manekar July 24 (Reuters) - Currencies and stocks in Asian emerging markets were in a holding pattern on Wednesday as traders awaited U.S.

Currencies linger, stocks drift lower ahead of US PCE data

EMERGING MARKETS-Currencies linger, stocks drift lower ahead of US PCE data U.S. PCE, GDP data awaited China's yuan, stocks pare early losses Thai baht edges higher; rupiah, ringgit slip Markets in Taiwan closed due to typhoon By Sameer Manekar July 24 (Reuters) - Currencies and stocks in Asian emerging markets were in a holding pattern on Wednesday as traders awaited U.S.

Asian currencies tread water; S.Korean won, Thai baht tick higher

EMERGING MARKETS-Asian currencies tread water; S.Korean won, Thai baht tick higher July 24 (Reuters) - The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0200 GMT. Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move Japan yen 155.280 155.58 +0.19 Sing dlr 1.345 1.3455 +0.02 Taiwan dlr 32.838 32.838 - Korean won 1384.800 1386.1 +0.09 B

Soft dollar buoys Asian FX; stocks recover after tech rout

EMERGING MARKETS-Soft dollar buoys Asian FX; stocks recover after tech rout Updates at 0614 GMT Indonesian rupiah snaps 3-day decline S.Korean won, Japanese yen lead gains Taiwan, S.Korea stocks snap 4-day slide By Roushni Nair July 23 (Reuters) - Emerging Asian stock markets rose on Tuesday, with Taiwan shares recouping a third of the losses suffered in the last four sessions, while a softer U .S.

Soft dollar buoys Asian FX; stocks recover after tech rout

EMERGING MARKETS-Soft dollar buoys Asian FX; stocks recover after tech rout Indonesian rupiah snaps 3-day decline S.Korean won, Japanese yen lead gains Taiwan, S.Korea stocks snap 4-day slide Updates at 0614 GMT By Roushni Nair July 23 (Reuters) - Emerging Asian stock markets rose on Tuesday, with Taiwan shares recouping a third of the losses suffered in the last four sessions, while a softer U .S.

Asian FX steady on soft dollar; stocks recover after tech rout

EMERGING MARKETS-Asian FX steady on soft dollar; stocks recover after tech rout . Indonesian rupiah snaps 3-day decline S.Korean won, Japanese yen lead gains Taiwan, S.Korea stocks snap 4-day slide By Roushni Nair July 23 (Reuters) - Emerging Asian stock markets were largely steady on Tuesday, with Taiwan shares recouping a third of the losses suffered in the last four sessions, while a slightly weaker U.S.

Asian FX steady on soft dollar; stocks recover after tech rout

EMERGING MARKETS-Asian FX steady on soft dollar; stocks recover after tech rout Indonesian rupiah snaps 3-day decline S.Korean won, Japanese yen lead gains Taiwan, S.Korea stocks snap 4-day slide By Roushni Nair July 23 (Reuters) - Emerging Asian stock markets were largely steady on Tuesday, with Taiwan shares recouping a third of the losses suffered in the last four sessions, while a slightly weaker U.S.

S.Korean won, Japanese yen lead gains among steady Asian FX

EMERGING MARKETS-S.Korean won, Japanese yen lead gains among steady Asian FX July 23 (Reuters) - The following table shows rates for Asian currencies against the dollar at 0201 GMT. CURRENCIES VS U.S. DOLLAR Currency Latest bid Previous day Pct Move Japan yen 156.680 157 +0.20 Sing dlr 1.345 1.3455 +0.07 Taiwan dlr 32.820 32.848 +0.09 Korean won 13


Népszerű eszközök

Felelősségkizáró nyilatkozat: Az XM Group entitásai csak végrehajtási szolgáltatást és online kereskedési platformunkhoz való hozzáférést biztosítanak, ami lehetővé teszi, hogy a felhasználók megtekinthessék és/vagy felhasználhassák a honlapon vagy azon keresztül elérhető tartalmakat, amelyek nem módosíthatók és nem egészíthetők ki. A hozzáférés és felhasználás mindig a következők függvénye: (i) Felhasználási feltételek; (ii) Kockázati figyelmeztetés; valamint (iii) Teljes felelősségkizáró nyilatkozat. Az ilyen tartalmakat ezért csupán általános információként biztosítjuk. Külön felhívjuk figyelmét arra, hogy az online kereskedési platformunkon található tartalmak nem felhívások vagy ajánlatok tranzakciókba történő belépésre a pénzügyi piacokon. A pénzügyi piacokon folytatott kereskedés jelentős kockázattal jár a tőkéjére nézve.

Az online kereskedési platformunkon közzétett anyagok kizárólag oktatási / tájékoztatási célt szolgálnak, és nem tartalmaznak (nem tekinthető úgy, hogy tartalmaznak) pénzügyi, befektetési adóügyi vagy kereskedési tanácsokat vagy ajánlásokat, illetve kereskedési áraink jegyzékét, vagy bármilyen pénzügyi instrumentummal végrehajtott tranzakcióra vonatkozó ajánlatot vagy felhívást, vagy Önnek szóló kéretlen pénzügyi promóciókat.

Az ezen a honlapon szereplő, külső felektől származó, valamint az XM által készített tartalmak, például vélemények, hírek, kutatások, elemzések, árak és egyéb információk vagy külső felek oldalaira utaló hivatkozások „jelenlegi állapotukban”, általános piaci magyarázatként jelennek meg, és nem minősülnek befektetési tanácsnak. Amennyiben bármely tartalom befektetéssel kapcsolatos kutatásként értelmezhető, meg kell értenie és el kell fogadnia, hogy a tartalom nem a befektetéssel kapcsolatos kutatás függetlenségének előmozdítására szolgáló jogi követelmények szerint készült, következésképpen a vonatkozó törvények és jogszabályok szerint marketingkommunikációnak minősül. Kérjük, feltétlenül olvassa el és értse meg a fenti információkkal kapcsolatos „nem független befektetéskutatással kalcsolatos tájékoztatónkat” és a kockázati figyelmeztetésünket, amelyek itt érhetők el.

Kockázati figyelmeztetés: A CFD összetett eszköz, és a tőkeáttétel miatt a hirtelen veszteség jelentős kockázatával jár. Ennél a szolgáltatónál a lakossági befektetői számlák 73.91%-án veszteség keletkezik a CFD-kereskedés során. Fontolja meg, hogy érti-e a CFD-k működését és hogy megengedheti-e magának a veszteség magas kockázatát. Kérjük, olvassa el a kockázati figyelmeztetés erre vonatkozó részleteit.