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South African rand gains after US inflation report

UPDATE 1-South African rand gains after US inflation report Updates prices to reflect afternoon trade JOHANNESBURG, July 26 (Reuters) - The South African rand gained against the dollar on Friday, after a reading of U.S. inflation did little to alter expectations of a September interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve. At 1510 GMT, the rand traded at 18.27 against the dollar ZAR=D3 , about 0.6% stronger than its previous close.

South African rand gains, focus on US inflation data

South African rand gains, focus on US inflation data JOHANNESBURG, July 26 (Reuters) - The South African rand gained in early trade on Friday, as markets focused on a key U.S. inflation reading that could offer more cues on the Federal Reserve's future interest rate path. At 0730 GMT, the rand traded at 18.26 against the dollar ZAR=D3 , about 0.6% stronger than its previous close.

African Markets - Factors to watch on July 26

African Markets - Factors to watch on July 26 NAIROBI, July 26 (Reuters) - The following company announcements, scheduled economic indicators, debt and currency market moves and political events may affect African markets on Friday. - - - - - EVENTS: *Ghana's central bank is due to announce its latest benchmark lending rate decision. GLOBAL MARKETS The yen stabilized near a 12-week high against the dollar on Friday while Asia-Pacific equity markets remained on the back foot a day after their wor

South African Markets -Factors to watch on July 26

South African Markets -Factors to watch on July 26 JOHANNESBURG, July 26 (Reuters) - The following economic event, equity and currency market moves may affect South African markets on Friday. ECONOMIC EVENTS South Africa's government will hold its weekly auction of inflation-linked bonds. SOUTH AFRICAN MARKETS The South African rand strengthened against a weaker dollar on Thursday, after U.S.

South African rand strengthens against weaker dollar

UPDATE 1-South African rand strengthens against weaker dollar Updates prices to reflect afternoon trade, adds U.S. data in paragraphs 4-5, analyst comment in paragraph 8 JOHANNESBURG, July 25 (Reuters) - The South African rand strengthened against a weaker dollar on Thursday, after U.S. economic data readings left intact expectations of an interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve in September.

Stocks slide to more than one-month low; China, Ukraine in focus

EMERGING MARKETS-Stocks slide to more than one-month low; China, Ukraine in focus Updated at 0955 GMT Ukraine decision on tap South Africa's rand drops as precious metal prices slide Gaza ceasefire negotiations near closing stages, official says Foreigners sell nearly $1 bln in Indian equities since budget Stocks off 0.6%, FX up 0.2% By Johann M Cherian July 25 (Reuters) - Stocks in most developing markets dropped to more than a one-month low on Thursday, as risk taking took a dive after

South African rand weaker, focus on US economic data

South African rand weaker, focus on US economic data JOHANNESBURG, July 25 (Reuters) - The South African rand was weaker in early trade on Thursday, ahead of U.S. economic data readings that could give hints on the future interest rate path of the world's biggest economy. At 0631 GMT, the rand traded at 18.42 against the dollar ZAR=D3 , about 0.2% weaker than its previous close.

African Markets - Factors to watch on July 25

African Markets - Factors to watch on July 25 NAIROBI, July 25 (Reuters) - The following company announcements, scheduled economic indicators, debt and currency market moves and political events may affect African markets on Thursday. - - - - - GLOBAL MARKETS Asian shares were hammered on Thursday as a slump in global tech stocks sent investors fleeing into less risky assets, including short-dated bonds, the yen and Swiss franc.

South African Markets - Factors to watch on July 25

South African Markets - Factors to watch on July 25 JOHANNESBURG, July 25 (Reuters) - The following economic event, equity and currency market moves may affect South African markets on Thursday. ECONOMIC EVENTS Statistics South Africa will publish the country's producer inflation figures for June ZAPPIY=ECI . SOUTH AFRICAN MARKETS The South African rand recouped some losses against a weaker dollar on Wednesday even as national inflation slowed, fuelling hopes of an interest rate cut by the South

South African rand recoups some losses, inflation slows

UPDATE 1-South African rand recoups some losses, inflation slows Updates prices to reflect afternoon trade JOHANNESBURG, July 24 (Reuters) - The South African rand recouped some losses against a weaker dollar on Wednesday even as national inflation slowed, fuelling hopes of an interest rate cut by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB). At 1402 GMT, the rand traded at 18.3125 against the U.S.

Hungary's forint slips for second day; India, Sri Lanka in focus

EMERGING MARKETS-Hungary's forint slips for second day; India, Sri Lanka in focus Updated at 0927 GMT Yuan hits 8-month low as commodities currencies continue slide Turkey to start gold, FX swap auctions for lira sterilisation Polish govt to reform rules on communicating with central bank South African inflation falls to 5.1% y/y in June MECI EM stocks indexes off 0.2%, FX flat By Johann M Cherian July 24 (Reuters) - Cautious sentiment prevailed across most emerging markets on Wednesday, with Hu

South African rand extends losses, focus on local inflation data

South African rand extends losses, focus on local inflation data JOHANNESBURG, July 24 (Reuters) - The South African rand extended losses in early trade on Wednesday, as investors turned their attention to local inflation figures which may give clues on the country's future interest rate path. At 0649 GMT, the rand traded at 18.4225 against the dollar ZAR=D3 , over 0.1% weaker than its previous close.

South African Markets - Factors to watch on July 24

South African Markets - Factors to watch on July 24 JOHANNESBURG, July 24 (Reuters) - The following scheduled economic event, company announcement, equity and currency market moves may affect South African markets on Wednesday. ECONOMIC EVENTS Statistics South Africa will publish the country's June inflation figures ZACPIY=ECI . COMPANIES Vodacom Group VODJ.J reported a 1.5% rise in its quarterly revenue on Wednesday.

African Markets - Factors to watch on July 24

African Markets - Factors to watch on July 24 NAIROBI, July 24 (Reuters) - The following company announcements, scheduled economic indicators, debt and currency market moves and political events may affect African markets on Wednesday. - - - - - EVENTS: *Zambia Finance Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane to present the country's mid-year budget review.

South African rand weakens, eyes on inflation data

UPDATE 1-South African rand weakens, eyes on inflation data Updates prices to reflect afternoon trade JOHANNESBURG, July 23 (Reuters) - The South African rand weakened on Tuesday, as investors looked towards June inflation data due on Wednesday and markets watched for developments in the U.S. presidential race. At 1500 GMT, the rand traded at 18.4025 against the dollar ZAR=D3 , about 0.9% weaker than its previous close.

For South Africa's rand it's all about timing

BUZZ-COMMENT-For South Africa's rand it's all about timing July 23 (Reuters) - South Africa's rand has entered a holding pattern versus the dollar following a period of weakness as the market attempts to second guess the timing of a domestic rate cut and a move down in U.S. interest rates. Recent weakening in the rand can be blamed on a dovish hold by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) at its July policy meeting.

South African rand weakens, eyes on inflation data

South African rand weakens, eyes on inflation data JOHANNESBURG, July 23 (Reuters) - The South African rand weakened in early trading on Tuesday, as investors looked towards June inflation data due out on Wednesday and markets watched for developments in the U.S. presidential race. At 0725 GMT, the rand traded at 18.38 against the dollar ZAR=D3 , about 0.75% weaker than its previous close.

Anglo's Kumba iron ore unit says private investors could help ease rail bottlenecks

UPDATE 2-Anglo's Kumba iron ore unit says private investors could help ease rail bottlenecks Updates throughout JOHANNESBURG, July 23 (Reuters) - Anglo American's AAL.L South African iron ore unit said on Tuesday private investors could help fix South Africa's failing rail network as it continues to struggle with shipping products to ports for export.

South African Markets - Factors to watch on July 23

South African Markets - Factors to watch on July 23 JOHANNESBURG, July 23 (Reuters) - The following scheduled economic events, company announcement, equity and currency market moves may affect South African markets on Tuesday. ECONOMIC EVENTS The South African Reserve Bank will publish the country's leading indicator for May. South Africa's government will hold its weekly auction of long-term bonds.

African Markets - Factors to watch on July 23

African Markets - Factors to watch on July 23 NAIROBI, July 23 (Reuters) - The following company announcements, scheduled economic indicators, debt and currency market moves and political events may affect African markets on Tuesday. - - - - - EVENTS: *Nigeria's central bank announces its latest interest rate decision. *Ghana's Finance Minister Mohammed Amin Adam is expected to present the West African nation's midyear budget review to parliament.


Népszerű eszközök

Felelősségkizáró nyilatkozat: Az XM Group entitásai csak végrehajtási szolgáltatást és online kereskedési platformunkhoz való hozzáférést biztosítanak, ami lehetővé teszi, hogy a felhasználók megtekinthessék és/vagy felhasználhassák a honlapon vagy azon keresztül elérhető tartalmakat, amelyek nem módosíthatók és nem egészíthetők ki. A hozzáférés és felhasználás mindig a következők függvénye: (i) Felhasználási feltételek; (ii) Kockázati figyelmeztetés; valamint (iii) Teljes felelősségkizáró nyilatkozat. Az ilyen tartalmakat ezért csupán általános információként biztosítjuk. Külön felhívjuk figyelmét arra, hogy az online kereskedési platformunkon található tartalmak nem felhívások vagy ajánlatok tranzakciókba történő belépésre a pénzügyi piacokon. A pénzügyi piacokon folytatott kereskedés jelentős kockázattal jár a tőkéjére nézve.

Az online kereskedési platformunkon közzétett anyagok kizárólag oktatási / tájékoztatási célt szolgálnak, és nem tartalmaznak (nem tekinthető úgy, hogy tartalmaznak) pénzügyi, befektetési adóügyi vagy kereskedési tanácsokat vagy ajánlásokat, illetve kereskedési áraink jegyzékét, vagy bármilyen pénzügyi instrumentummal végrehajtott tranzakcióra vonatkozó ajánlatot vagy felhívást, vagy Önnek szóló kéretlen pénzügyi promóciókat.

Az ezen a honlapon szereplő, külső felektől származó, valamint az XM által készített tartalmak, például vélemények, hírek, kutatások, elemzések, árak és egyéb információk vagy külső felek oldalaira utaló hivatkozások „jelenlegi állapotukban”, általános piaci magyarázatként jelennek meg, és nem minősülnek befektetési tanácsnak. Amennyiben bármely tartalom befektetéssel kapcsolatos kutatásként értelmezhető, meg kell értenie és el kell fogadnia, hogy a tartalom nem a befektetéssel kapcsolatos kutatás függetlenségének előmozdítására szolgáló jogi követelmények szerint készült, következésképpen a vonatkozó törvények és jogszabályok szerint marketingkommunikációnak minősül. Kérjük, feltétlenül olvassa el és értse meg a fenti információkkal kapcsolatos „nem független befektetéskutatással kalcsolatos tájékoztatónkat” és a kockázati figyelmeztetésünket, amelyek itt érhetők el.

Kockázati figyelmeztetés: A CFD összetett eszköz, és a tőkeáttétel miatt a hirtelen veszteség jelentős kockázatával jár. Ennél a szolgáltatónál a lakossági befektetői számlák 73.91%-án veszteség keletkezik a CFD-kereskedés során. Fontolja meg, hogy érti-e a CFD-k működését és hogy megengedheti-e magának a veszteség magas kockázatát. Kérjük, olvassa el a kockázati figyelmeztetés erre vonatkozó részleteit.